--Hosted by Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation (WyFB) Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Committee for agriculturalists of all ages

 “Cultivating Emerging Leaders” is the theme for a Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference, February 2-3, 2024, in Laramie, Wyoming. This premiere agriculture leadership conference offers something for everyone. Sessions cover topics ranging from anti-average leadership to soil health to business profit to agriculture policy. 

The two-day event features tours, research conversations, outstanding speakers and presentations, fellowship, and fun. The conference is hosted by the WyFB YF&R Committee and is for farmers and ranchers of all ages. Membership is not required to attend, and children are welcome. Whether you farm or ranch, work in ag business or have family in agriculture, this conference is for you!

“The conference is jam packed with fun things to do and interesting people to meet,” said Weston County Rancher Tucker Hamilton, who serves as the WyFB YF&R State Chair. “It is a great place to meet people throughout the state, network with like-minded individuals for business ventures, catch up with old friends, or just get away for a couple days.”

To view the event agenda please visit www.wyfb.org. 


The registration fee, which includes meals, is $100 for adults and $50 for Wyoming college students. The full agenda and registration form are available here.  The registration deadline is January 18, 2024.  

Hotel Reservations

Hotel reservations at the Holiday Inn University Area in Laramie may be made by phone (307-721-9000) or online. Mention “MFB” for the conference room rate. An online reservation link is available here. Reservation deadline is January 25, 2024.

For conference updates, please visit the YF&R tab on www.wyfb.org.

The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization.  The mission of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is to represent the voices of Wyoming farmers and ranchers through grassroots policy development while focusing on protecting private property rights, strengthening agriculture, and supporting farm and ranch families through advocacy, education, and leadership development.