Goshen County
Lane Hageman
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Goshen County Farm Bureau Federation and Chuck Curry Memorial Scholarship Application Deadline – April 1
Goshen County Farm Bureau Federation Scholarship Application
Chuck Curry Memorial Scholarship Application
- At least one $500 Goshen County FBF scholarship open to 1) high school seniors who are continuing their education through a college or a trade school; and 2) continuing college students. Must meet the requirements which include a Farm Bureau Federation regular membership by family or individual; preference given to applicants pursuing Ag-related degrees. The Chuck Curry Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500 to be awarded to a continuing college student having completed one or more years who meets the requirements which includes Farm Bureau Federation regular membership by family or individual and demonstrate an agriculture focused career path. Applications available at county FB office and online at wyfb.org (Tabs: Get Involved/County Farm Bureau Federations) on the Goshen County page. Applications available at county FB office and at link on this page.