State Scholarships
The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is proud to offer nine scholarships to Federation members and/or their children.
State Scholarship Application Deadline: March 1, 2025
2025 WyFB Scholarship Application
- Livingston Family-H.J. King Memorial Scholarship is valued at $1,500 (one awarded). The Livingston-King scholarship is given in honor of former Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Presidents Herbert D. Livingston and H.J. King, as well as Buddy and Norma Livingston, the parents of former WyFB President Perry Livingston.
- Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Scholarships are $500 each (five awarded).
WyFB Continuing Education Scholarship Application
- WyFB Continuing Education Scholarships are $500 each (three awarded). The continuing education scholarship recipients must submit at least two years of college transcripts.
County Farm Bureau Federation Scholarships--Below info is for 2024. 2025 Information will be updated in February. You may also reach out to your local county Farm Bureau Federation for details.
Below is general (UNOFFICIAL) information on county Farm Bureau Federation scholarships. Please refer to the scholarship applications for complete rules and details.
County Farm Bureau Federation contacts are available on the County Farm Bureau Federation page in the “Get Involved” tab.
—Deadline March 31
Up to four scholarships ($1,500, $1,000, $500, $500) open to high school seniors and students at any post-secondary facility in the state of Wyoming. Must be an Albany County HIgh School or Home School graduate. Application available here or at county Farm Bureau office; county Extension office; and Rock River and Laramie High Schools. Farm Bureau Federation member children preferred but not a requirement.
Big Horn
—Deadline March 30
Up to four $400 scholarships; available to high school seniors or any continuing students working for a degree in an Ag-related area; available at all county High Schools or by contacting Farm Bureau office in Greybull
—Deadline March 1
Two $2,500 scholarships; available at FB offices, schools and here.
—Deadline April 15
Two or more scholarships to members of a value of $750 or more and no less than two $500 cash scholarships to members/non-members. Available for graduating seniors or continuing education in college or trade school. Preference to members or children of members and individuals pursuing agriculture-related fields. Applications are available at the local schools and here.
—Deadline March 1
Three $1,000 scholarships; open to members’ children for graduating seniors and college students. Available at either county Farm Bureau office; at Douglas and Glenrock High School Guidance offices and here.
—Deadline March 18
Two merit-based scholarships of $2000 and $1500 for first and second place respectively. Applicants must be either a graduating senior from an accredited Crook County High School, Home School, Virtual School, or have a certificate of high school graduation/diploma OR a current college student. Applicant or applicant’s parents/guardians must be current Crook County Farm Bureau Federation members, paid by March 1. Scholarship applications may be picked up at the Farm Bureau office at 109 N 3rd St, Sundance, Wyoming 82729 and also from the high school counselors or here.
—Deadline June 1
Fremont County Farm Bureau Federation offers scholarships. In order to be eligible, the student must be a Fremont County High School senior whose parents are current paid Regular Farm Bureau Federation members. It is preferred that applicants are entering an Agriculture field. This can be used for those entering college or a Vocational institute. Applications will be reviewed by the Fremont County Farm Bureau Federation Board and a recipient will be chosen. Please submit a letter of application about yourself and your future plans to Fremont County Farm Bureau Federation-115 North 5th Street East., Riverton, WY 82501. Questions call 544-2296.
—Deadline April 1
At least one $500 Goshen County FBF scholarship open to 1) high school seniors who are continuing their education through a college or a trade school; and 2) continuing college students. Must meet the requirements which include a Farm Bureau Federation regular membership by family or individual; preference given to applicants pursuing Ag-related degrees. The Chuck Curry Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500 to be awarded to a continuing college student having completed one or more years who meets the requirements which includes Farm Bureau Federation regular membership by family or individual and demonstrate an agriculture focused career path. Applications available at county FB office and here.
Hot Springs
—Deadline April 7
One $1,500 scholarship; may be divided into multiple scholarships at discretion of board; available to students pursuing ag-related course; preference to Farm Bureau Federation families; available at Hot Springs County Farm Bureau office, at the HSCHS Counselors’ office and from the HSCHS Ag Instructor.
—Deadline April 1
A minimum of two $500 scholarships; open to children of Farm Bureau Federation members (graduating seniors or college students); scholarships for students continuing education (2+ years in school) in the amount of $750 (students age 24 and above must have their own active membership); available at county FB offices and schools and here.
—Deadline May 1
Offering 3 scholarships in the amounts of $1,500; $1,000; and $500. Open to graduating seniors whose parents are regular Laramie County Farm Bureau Federation members. The applications are due to the county Farm Bureau by May 1. Applications available Additionally, offering continuing education scholarships of $500 throughout the year.
—Deadline March 25
Three $500 scholarships; children of Farm Bureau Federation members in college or graduating seniors with seniors receiving first pick; available at Farm Bureau Insurance and School Counselor Offices
—Deadline April 1
Two $500 scholarships; available to children of Niobrara County Farm Bureau Federation members; graduating seniors and college students are eligible; available at the county FB office
—Deadline April 1
Two $750 scholarships. Must attend a Wyoming College or University; preference will be given to Northwest College. Renewable if grades are kept above 2.5 semester average. Open to any Park County Farm Bureau Federation Member or children of members. Application available at all Park County high schools and the Cody and Powell Farm Bureau offices.
—Deadline April 1
Amount varies; available at schools; open to children of Platte County Farm Bureau Federation members who are first year students or continuing education students
—Deadline April 1
2-3 $2,000 scholarships depending upon number of applications; must be a Sheridan County graduate and parents must hold a federation membership; available at county FB offices and schools
—Deadline March 1
Two $500 scholarships for seniors; one for each high school (Big Piney and Pinedale). Given to children of FB members; preference is given to those seeking agriculture major. Applications available at high schools
—Deadline March 15
T S Taliaferro Scholarship. One $500 scholarship; open to children of Farm Bureau Federation regular members; available at schools and county Farm Bureau offices
—Deadline April 15
Return to either county FB office; One $500 scholarship; available at county FB offices, schools or contact Kristi Ellis at 307.782.7659
—Deadline April 1
Amount varies, generally three $500 scholarships; FBF member children preferred but not a requirement; Ag majors preferred, but not a requirement. Applications available at the high school and the County Farm Bureau office.
—Deadline May 1
Three $750 scholarships; applicant parents or applicant must be current members of Weston County Farm Bureau Federation. Applicant must have graduated in Weston County, hold a High School or equivalent degree, or be in a graduating class at the time of application, or be a resident (6 months or more) of Weston County.