“Shopping for Results” is the focus of the Dec. 2-3, 2011 Wyoming Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Conference.   Wyoming young farmers and ranchers are invited to attend the YF&R Conference at the Holiday Inn in Casper.  The conference is open to all young agricultural producers (between the ages of 18-35) and all Farm Bureau members.  Children are welcome.   

            No matter what it is we do in life we are always “shopping for results.”  Whether it be results in finding the perfect gift for someone or results on your agriculture operation.  Speakers will talk about how to “Shop for Results” in various areas such as working with county commissioners, herd selection, financial areas, local government, bridging the generational divide and more. 

Agenda and Registration

            Hosted by the WyFB YF&R Committee, the conference begins Friday, Dec. 2 with a noon luncheon and look at “What is YF&R?”.  Wyoming Farm Bureau Executive Vice President Ken Hamilton will speak on “Legislative and Agriculture Issues Facing Wyoming Producers.”

            The next session, “Protecting with Life Insurance,” will focus on how life insurance can protect loved ones in the event of an untimely death.  Presented by Nathan Rayl with Farm Bureau Financial Services, this workshop will also provide practical information on other ways to use life insurance as a financial tool.

            “Estate planning in Wyoming” begins at 2 p.m. with Attorney Ryan McGuffey talking about wills, estate planning and other important decisions we all face.  McGuffey is well known for his estate planning knowledge and work in this region.

            “Bridging the Generational Divide” will be presented by Kyle Perry with the American Farm Bureau Federation at 3:30 p.m.  Generations aren’t simply separated by years.  This workshop will help participants better understand generational differences that affect how people approach life, work and volunteering.

            Participants will enjoy music entertainment by Daron Little at the Friday dinner event.

            The first session on Saturday is “Influencing the federal planning process and a look at how to work with your county commissioners.”  Fremont County Commissioner Doug Thompson will talk about how to work with your county commissioners on the issues which affect your farms and ranches.

            At 10 a.m., AFBF’s Kyle Perry will present “Telling Your Story.”  Telling your story is often easier said than done.  This session covers suggestions for what makes a story interesting to the listener as well as other strategies.

            Custom Ag Solutions will present an interactive “Risk Management Education” workshop.  The farm simulation looks at risk management concepts that work to maximize farm profitability by managing production and market risks.

            After lunch, Kera Bullard with Farm Credit Services of America will talk about the “Five C’s of Credit.”  This session will discuss what many lenders look for in an agriculture customer including what they like to see in an agriculture operation.  Also, a review of credit bureau reports and what they really do tell the lender.

            The final speaker at 2:30 p.m. will be Kelly Burch, of Burch Livestock.  Burch will talk about “Herd Selection.”


The registration fee is $75/adult.  The agenda and registration are available at www.wyfb.org or you may call 866.272.2197.  The registration deadline is Nov. 26.  Late registrations will be accepted after Nov. 28 at $90/adult.

            Room reservations may be made at the Casper Holiday Inn by calling 307.577.5000.  The room rate is $89; mention Wyoming Farm Bureau YF&R Conference and reserve by Nov. 23.

            Visit wyfb.org or Facebook/Wyoming Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers for an agenda.  Or you may call 307.532.2002 or kclark@wyfb.org with questions. 

            The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization.  The purpose of the YF&R program is to develop leaders for the betterment of agriculture and Farm Bureau.  Visit www.wyfb.org.


Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation

YF&R Conference “Shopping for Results”

Dec. 2-3, 2011 at the Holiday Inn in Casper


Friday, Dec. 2, 2011

11:30 a.m.                   Registration


12 p.m.                        Lunch

                                    Kick-Off with Greetings from YF&R State Chair

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • “What is YF&R?”
  • “Legislative and Agriculture Issues Facing Wyoming Producers”

—Ken Hamilton, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Executive Vice President


1 p.m.                          “Protecting with Life Insurance”

                                    --Nathan Rayl, Farm Bureau Financial Services

This presentation will focus on how life insurance can protect loved ones in the event of an untimely death and other ways life insurance can be used as a financial tool.


2 p.m.                          “Estate planning in Wyoming”

                                    --Ryan McGuffey, Attorney, Long, Reimer, Winegar, Beppler, LLP

Ryan McGuffey is well known for his estate planning knowledge and work.  Mr. McGuffey will talk about wills, estate planning and other important decisions we all face.


3 p.m.                          Break


3:20 p.m.                     “Risk Management Marketing Educational Program”

                                    --Donn Randall, Wyoming Business Council

An overview of a risk management marketing educational program available for crop producers in Southeast Wyoming and in the Big Horn Basin area.


3:30 p.m.                     “Bridging the Generational Divide”

                                    --Kyle Perry, American Farm Bureau Federation

Generations aren’t simply separated by years.  People divided by generations experience gaps in culture, technology and life experience.  These gaps can produce either barriers or opportunities depending on how equipped you are to understand what’s really behind them.  This workshop will help you better understand generational differences that affect how people approach life, work, and volunteering.  Learn to understand what motivates different generations.


6 p.m.                          Dinner

  • Wear your Ugly Christmas Sweaters; awards will be given!
  • Dustin Ladenburger, AFBF YF&R Committee
  • Daron Little music entertainment
  • Afterwards, Christmas lights at hospital park



Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011

Breakfast on your own


6:30 a.m.         “Harvest for All Service”

Join us as Wyoming’s first harvesters as we volunteer at the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies as part of Farm Bureau’s Harvest for All project.  Donuts provided.


8:45 a.m.         “Influencing the federal planning process and a look at how to work with your county commissioners”

                        —Doug Thompson, Fremont County Commissioner


10 a.m.            “Telling Your Story”

                        --Kyle Perry, American Farm Bureau Federation

In the agriculture industry, we are constantly told to tell our story, but that’s sometimes easier said than done.  Often, people are confused with what it means to “tell your story.”  This session covers some suggestions for what makes stories interesting to the listener, as well as some strategies for making stories comprehendible to the audience.


11:30 a.m.       “Risk Management Education”

                        -- John Mangus, Custom Ag Solutions

This session teaches risk management concepts through a competitive farm simulation game.  Participants make a series of decisions involving diversification, forward contracting, and crop insurance, as they work to maximize farm profitability by managing production and market risks.


12:30 p.m.       Lunch

                        “Dimensions of Farm Bureau”


1:30 p.m.         “The Five C’s of Credit”

                        --Kera Bullard, Farm Credit Services of America

The “Five “C’s” of Credit” session will walk you through what many lenders look for in an agriculture customer including what they like to see in an agriculture operation.  Also, a review of credit bureau reports and what they really do tell the lender.


2:30 p.m.         “Herd Selection”

                        --Kelly Burch, Burch Livestock


3:30 p.m.         Wrap up and adjourn



Dress code: Business Casual is acceptable; nice jeans also acceptable.

Hotel reservations:  For room reservations, please call at 307.577.5000 and mention the “Farm Bureau Fed.” block.  Room rates are $89 plus tax and are guaranteed through Nov. 23.  

Conference registration:  Registration fee is $75.  Registration form and payment is due no later than Nov. 26 to Kerin Clark, Wyoming Farm Bureau, PO Box 685, Torrington, WY  82240.  For questions call 866.272.2197, 307.532.2002 or kclark@wyfb.org

Sponsorship appreciation:  Farm Credit Services of America