Wyoming Needs Agriculture Day at UW Football Game Sept. 23
--First 400 fans to donate canned foods/money receive t-shirts
Laramie--“Wyoming Needs Agriculture” Day is coming to the University of Wyoming Cowboy Football game on September 23, 2017 and the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is proud to sponsor the game day event. Cowboy fans are asked to bring canned goods or monetary donations to the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation area at the “Pre-Game Zone” at the Indoor Practice Facility from 5-8 p.m. on Sept. 23. The first 400 fans donating will receive a t-shirt. The drive will benefit the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies (WFBR); Wyoming’s only food bank. The WFBR serves hunger relief agencies in all of Wyoming’s 23 counties.
An “Ag Olympics” fun event produced by the Albany County Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers will be provided. Stop by to visit with farmers and ranchers from around the state and have some fun before the football game. The Cowboys play Hawaii on September 23 with an 8:15 p.m. kick-off.
The Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher “Harvest for All” is a national program that raises food and money for local and state food banks who provide hunger relief. In Wyoming, the WyFB YF&R program contributes donations to the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies and various local hunger-relief agencies affiliated with the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies.
Go POKES! Wyoming Needs Agriculture! Agriculture; Keeping Wyoming Strong!
The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. The primary goals of the organization are to protect private property rights and help members achieve an equitable return on their investment. On the web, www.wyfb.org.