Legislative agriculture issues will be presented at the 2018 Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Meeting. The meeting will be Feb. 28-March 1 at the Radisson Hotel in Cheyenne. Held annually to coincide with the legislative session, the meeting provides Farm Bureau members the opportunity to meet with their legislators one-on-one and hear about current issues. WyFB 2018 Legislative Meeting Agenda The meeting begins Wednesday, Feb. 28 with registration at 11 a.m. and a noon luncheon. If their schedules permit, House Agriculture Committee Chair Representative Hans Hunt and Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Senator Larry Hicks will address the members during the noon luncheon. Wednesday afternoon activities also include legislative briefings from WyFB lobbyists. Following the legislative update, Rolf Peterson with Anton Collins Mitchell LLP will address “The New Tax Law and Agriculture.” Wednesday evening provides the one-on-one visits with the legislators and elected officials during a Legislative Mixer sponsored by the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation. Thursday morning, March 1, will begin with the “Wyoming Agricultural Literacy Week” Proclamation signing with Governor Mead at the Jonah Building. The proclamation signing is organized by the WyFB Young Farmer and Rancher Committee as part of the “Ag Books for Kids” program. Following the proclamation signing, the morning agenda includes a speaker’s forum. Endangered Species Act (ESA) issues will be discussed by David Willms and Mike McGrady. Following ESA discussions, Steve Lechner with the Mountain States Legal Foundation will talk about legal efforts impacting agriculture including the EPA/Wind River Reservation boundary dispute and the grizzly bear litigation. Meeting registration Register by emailing jdoyle@wyfb.org or you may call 307.721.7723. Registration requested by Feb. 16. Hotel information Room reservations may be made by calling the Radisson Hotel at 307-638-4466. Please make reservations under the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation block by Feb. 20. The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. The primary goals of the federation are to protect private property rights and help members achieve an equitable return on their investment. Visit www.wyfb.org.