Wyoming Livestock Board would like to remind brand owners that all brand ID numbers ending with a dash five (- 5) must be renewed no later than midnight on March 1, 2015.  The Brand recording office will be sending certified renewal letters out very soon as a reminder to those folks who still owe renewal fees on their Wyoming brands.

We currently have over 300 returned brands in our office that could not be delivered to due to insufficient addresses.   Although we have distributed those lists to various working groups and law enforcement agencies across Wyoming, spent hundreds of hours searching the internet, making phone calls and trying to find relatives, we still have undeliverable brands in our files. Currently, our brand records show approximately 2,857 brands that need to be renewed by midnight on March 1, 2015.

Please contact us with questions if you are not sure whether your address is current or you are not sure if your brand is up for renewal. Your renewal notice must accompany your payment. After March 1, 2015, renewal fee will be $300.00 plus an additional $150.00 for late fees and ends December 31, 2015.  Remember, in order change the legal recording of a current brand record, a transfer of the record must occur which is a separate action from renewing the brand.  After December 31, 2015, all brands not renewed for the 2015 renewal period will be listed as abandoned brands and shall be listed for public sale sometime in early 2016.  For information, please call the Wyoming Livestock Board at 777-7515.