WyFB Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference Feb. 26-28 in Cheyenne
Make plans to travel to the Capitol City in February for 2.5 days packed with educational and informational speakers, a day at the Capitol, a meeting with Wyoming’s Governor and more. “Liberty and Justice for Ag” is the theme of the Feb. 26-28, 2020 Wyoming Farm Bureau (WyFB) Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Conference in Cheyenne, Wyo. The conference is hosted by the WyFB YF&R Committee for farmers and ranchers of all ages. Children are welcome. No membership required to attend. Whether you farm or ranch, work in ag business or have family in agriculture—this conference is for you!WyFB YFR agenda and registration
The conference kicks-off at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26. The keynote presentation “Regulatory Impacts on Agriculture; what to watch for in the coming years” with Harriet Hageman begins at 1 p.m.
Following a networking break at 2:30 p.m., the next session at 2:45 p.m. will be the Mock Discussion Meet. This event showcases how young farmers and ranchers can win $500 and a national trip by competing in Farm Bureau’s Discussion Meet competition.
At 3:15 p.m., a Financial Investments for Future Security Discussion Panel will provide attendees with a look at a wide range of financial topics. Panelists include: Jason Bell, Farm Bureau Financial Services agent; Becky Gerlach, Farm Service Agency; Kelly Downer, Farm Credit Services of America; and Mark Fornstrom, Laramie County farmer.
Thursday will be a full day at the Capitol with legislative committee meetings, a meeting with Governor Mark Gordon and a guided tour of the newly renovated Wyoming State Capitol Building. An early morning meeting with Senator Cheri Steinmetz will offer an informative question and answer session on the legislative process.
A noon luncheon with the WyFB Legislative Meeting will feature (if their schedules permit) House Agriculture Committee Chair Representative Hans Hunt and Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Senator Brian Boner. Attendees will join the WyFB Legislative Meeting for afternoon speakers as well as the evening Legislative Mixer that provides one-on-one opportunities to visit with legislators and elected officials.
The YF&R Conference will conclude Friday morning with a District Breakout Breakfast.
The registration fee is $130/adult. The full agenda and registration form are available at www.wyfb.org or you may call 307.532.2002. The registration deadline is Feb. 13, 2020. Late registrations may be accepted based on availability after Feb. 13 at $180/adult.
Hotel Reservations
Room reservations may be made online at https://www.redlion.com/red-lion-hotels/wy/cheyenne/red-lion-hotel-conference-center-cheyenne; use group discount code “FARM0226” or call the Red Lion Hotel and Conference Center at 307-638-4466. Please make reservations under the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation block by Feb. 13.
The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. The primary goals of the organization are to protect private property rights and help members achieve an equitable return on their investment. On the web, www.wyfb.org.