--Deadline March 1, 2014

           Farm Bureau members and their family members are encouraged to apply for one of nine college scholarships offered by the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation.  The applications are available at county Farm Bureau offices, on the web at www.wyfb.org (click on education tab) or by calling 800.442.8325.  For questions, contact Ellen Westbrook at 800.442.8325 or ewestbrook@wyfb.org.

            The Livingston-King scholarship is valued at $1,500 for 2014.  The Livingston-King scholarship is a memorial for former Wyoming Farm Bureau Presidents H.D. Livingston and H.J. King as well as Norma and Buddy Livingston, parents of WyFB President Perry Livingston. 

The five Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation scholarships are $500 each.  The three “Continuing Education” scholarships are also $500 each.  The continuing education scholarship recipients must submit at least two years of college transcripts.

            The state application deadline is March 1, 2014.