Clean water is a top priority for farmers and ranchers.  The Navigable Waters Protection Rule has provided both clean water and much needed clarity.  This rule fixed the problems of the 2015 WOTUS Rule bringing clarity to how you farm and ranch.  Under the current rule, farmers and ranchers have delivered positive environmental benefits, farmed with certainty and commonsense regulations.  The current rule makes water and land protection, management and planning more efficient and effective by drawing clearer lines between areas subject to federal versus state jurisdiction and clarifying that usually dry areas should not be considered federally regulated waters. On August 4, the EPA and the Army Corps announced they “have substantial and legitimate concerns” that the Trump administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Act “did not appropriately consider the effect of the revised definition of ‘waters of the United States’ on the integrity of the nation’s waters.” The Trump Administration’s rule is still the law of the land until EPA and the Corps take the first step in their WOTUS revision process by adopting a “foundational rule” returning regulations to their pre-2015 status — in other words, before the Obama administration’s WOTUS rule. Farm Bureau members you pulled through with the “Ditch the Rule” campaign led by AFBF several years ago and we need you once again.  Send your comments to the EPA by September 3, 2021.  Write to protect the current rule from going back to a time of uncertainty and indecision. “Farm Bureau supports the current rule because it strikes a balance between regulatory clarity and transparency on the one hand, and the need for robust environmental protection of waters and wetlands on the other,” said Todd Fornstrom, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation President.  “It better reflects an effort to preserve states’ roles in regulating the waters and natural resources within their boundaries.” “Farm Bureau members deeply value protecting water resources,” Fornstrom continued. “The current proposal strengthens the cooperative federalism Congress envisioned and that the Supreme Court has long recognized as fundamental to the Clean Water Act.”