CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Matt Mead continues to seek a broad range of public input into a Wyoming Water Strategy. Many people across Wyoming have given thoughts on a water strategy and priorities it should include. Next, state officials will present a summary of the input received from nine listening sessions held around the state at a conference in June.

“Wyoming’s water is its most important natural resource,” Governor Mead said. “We need to continue to develop and protect that resource for the benefit of this generation and those to come. These public meetings have given us a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges we face in relation to water.”

The Water Conference will be held at 9:00 am, June 4th, 2014, at the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, 2211 King Blvd, Casper, Wyoming.  The public is encouraged to attend and the meetings will be broadcast live on the internet. 

 “The thoughts and enthusiasm of Wyoming people is critical. Hundreds of folks came out to take part in the listening sessions,” Governor Mead said. “The Water Conference will provide another opportunity to discuss suggestions for water management, development, conservation and protection, and restoration.”

A Water Strategy has been a top priority for Governor Mead and was identified as one of the most important initiatives in the Wyoming Energy Strategy.  Both strategies build on the work of citizens, industry, and by state and local governments. The Water Strategy will delineate actionable initiatives.

More information can be found on Governor Mead’s website or by Following Wyoming Water Strategy on Facebook ( or on Google+.