Perry Livingston elected to eighth term as Wyoming Farm Bureau President - Nov. 17, 2012
LARAMIE—Perry Livingston, of Sundance, was elected to his eighth term as President of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation (WyFB) at the organization’s 93rd annual meeting in Laramie. Livingston and his family run a cow/calf operation in Crook and Weston Counties.
“It is a real privilege to continue serving agriculture and Wyoming Farm Bureau members,” Livingston said. “It is an honor to serve our members who make this grassroots organization a strong voice for agriculture.”
Voting delegates elected Jim Hefenieder (pronounced Hefeneeder) to his seventh term as WyFB vice president. Hefenieder, and his wife, Beth, live near Worland where he farms and feeds cattle with his family.
“At the time I started my involvement in Farm Bureau, I was very passionate about being an advocate for our industry and I still feel that way,” Hefenieder said. “We have a great industry and there is nothing else in this country that compares to agriculture.”
“As I watch the young people in our family get involved with our operation, it fires me up even more to work harder for agriculture through my work in Farm Bureau,” Hefenieder continued.
Dale Heggem, of Torrington, was elected to his second term as the Director-At-Large. Heggem and his wife, Abby, have two sons. Heggem works for the Wyoming Department of Agriculture as the state grain warehouse examiner and he and his wife are involved with the family ranching operation.
In addition to the three statewide elections, five district directors and the Young Farmer & Rancher state chair serve on the state board.
The Young Farmer & Rancher Committee elected Raenell Taylor as the state committee chair. This position has a seat on the WyFB Board of Directors. From Hulett, Taylor and her husband, Josh, are Crook County ranchers.
Rounding out the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors are district directors: David Garber, Northeast District Director; Kevin Baars, Southeast District Director; Tim Pexton, Central District Director; Glen Reed, Northwest District Director; and Margaret Lester, Southwest District Director.
The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. The purpose of the Nov. 15-17, 2012 WyFB annual meeting was to develop policy to guide the organization in the coming year. Visit