The Wyoming Livestock Board is moving away from the use of the Wyoming green tag as official identification for cattle due to federal official identification requirements.

The Wyoming green tag program began in 2000 to provide a mechanism for cattle producers to identify sexually intact female cattle prior to change of ownership if they had lost their Brucellosis vaccination tag or other official identification.

 March 11, 2015 is the last day Wyoming issued “green” tags may be applied to cattle or bison for use as “Official ID” for interstate movement and disease testing.  USDA rules mandate that official ear tag identification devices applied after March 11, 2015 must be imprinted with an official shield which the green tags do not have.

Wyoming green tags applied on or before March 11, 2015 will be recognized by USDA as “official” and cattle already identified with a Wyoming green tag do not have to have an additional tag applied.

Wyoming green tags applied after March 11, 2015 will no longer be considered as “Official” and will not qualify livestock for interstate movement or disease testing.

Wyoming green tags may continue to be used on (Brucellosis) non-vaccinated feeder heifers in WY Approved feedlots and heifers leaving the DSA prior to Brucellosis calfhood vaccination.

 The Wyoming Livestock Board (307-777-7515) will continue to honor producer requests for Official bovine identification by issuing silver identification tags directly to producers upon request.

Wyoming accredited veterinarians may still acquire silver cattle identification tags (and taggers) from the Cheyenne USDA APHIS VS office (307-432-7960).