Grassroots Lobbying

WyFB Legislative Review 2017--Take a look at bills that affected agriculture in the 2017 session and also see "how they voted" on certain bills. Each year the Wyoming Legislature meets and makes decisions that affect us all. With less than two percent of the population producing food and fiber for our nation it is essential to have a voice when it comes to the new agriculture policy, laws, and regulations that affect your lifestyle. Grassroots lobbying is a large part of how Wyoming Farm Bureau serves as your voice for agriculture. The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation represents its members who are at home producing food and fiber for our nation. Wyoming Farm Bureau policy is set through our grassroots policy development process. New agriculture policy development begins at the county level with members making decisions. The agriculture policy continues moving through the policy development process with consideration at the district, state and national levels. The policies adopted by Farm Bureau members guide the work of the agriculture organization. This process makes Farm Bureau’s grassroots lobbying successful. Legislators know Farm Bureau lobbyists work straight from the policy book created by members beginning at the county level. Farm Bureau grassroot lobbyists work throughout the year on existing and new agriculture policy issues using member adopted policy to set positions on issues affecting the members. The mission of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is: "The primary goal of WyFB is to take appropriate actions to protect private property rights and help members achieve an equitable return on their investment." Wyoming Farm Bureau grassroots lobbyists work hard to ensure this mission is fulfilled.  

Learn About Grassroots Lobbying

Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation has a handbook to help you become familiar with making your voice heard in the Legislature by lobbying for issues important to you and your grassroots lobbying organization.


Download the Legislative Priorities to learn more


Ken Hamilton Brett Moline


E-mail: Many legislators use e-mail to correspond with their constituents and other members of the public. E-mail list for Wyoming House of Representatives                      Email list for Wyoming Senate Phone: You may leave a message for your legislator at the numbers below. Call 1.866.996.VOTE and ask to be transferred to the House and/or Senate chambers. Senate direct line is 307.777.7711. House direct line is 307.777.7852. Fax: Messages may be faxed to a designated legislator at 307.777.5466. Voter Hotline: You may recommend a vote for or against a particular piece of legislation by calling the Voter Hotline. You cannot leave a message on this number, however the recommendations are quickly delivered to the legislators. The toll-free call within Wyoming is 1.866.996.8683. Local callers within the Cheyenne area should call 777.8683. During the legislative session, you can recommend support for or opposition to a particular piece of legislation by using the new Online Hotline. In addition to expressing support for or opposition to an identified bill, you can also leave a short comment regarding the bill. This service is available on the Legislature’s Web site. Comments will be available to all legislators, but keep in mind that legislators consider a variety of factors when making decisions on pending legislation.


Call 1.800.342.9570  in Wyoming or 307.777.6185 out-of-state. This will provide the status of the bill, but no other details. Click here for bill status, committee schedules, copies of bills, roll call votes, etc.