In today’s environment, agriculture is continually facing legal onslaughts from anti-agriculture groups.  The American Farm Bureau and Wyoming Farm Bureau are working hard to protect agriculture interests in the courts.  Our efforts are aimed at reducing government regulations that are unnecessary and drive up the cost of food.  The anti-agriculture groups work to use regulations and lawsuits to drive agriculture out of business.  We are working in the courts to combat these efforts.

One of the purposes of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation is to support legal efforts to protect agriculture producers.  Your donations to the Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation will help us protect the rights of agriculture and thus ensure that we are a secure nation who can produce its own food.  By supporting the Foundation, you partner with us to ensure that our rights to own private property, produce food in America and care for the land and our animals are not taken away through litigation brought forward by groups who want to do away with these rights.  Support the Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation and you will be a partner in working to protect the agriculture industry and all those who eat food.

WyFB works to protect agriculture interests against the impacts caused by the Endangered Species Act.


Wyoming Farm Bureau has been fighting to protect livestock interests from wolves since they were brought into Wyoming.  Farm Bureau has been involved in efforts to protect agriculture from wolf expansion areas.

Learn more…March 14, 2011 ruling by Judge Johnson

Learn more…WyFB involvement in wolf lawsuits

Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse

Sage Grouse Listing

WyFB is active in trying to protect producers who utilize public lands from unwarranted rules and regulations brought on by the agencies and anti-grazing groups.

Categorical exclusions

Grazing fees lawsuit

Farm Bureau works to protect the expansion of government bureaucrats into everyday lives.  The federal government has been trying to expand their regulatory reach beyond their authority into everybody’s lives.

Teton Health Department Rules

One of those was the actions of the Teton Health Department to start regulating air quality through an appointed board for what they consider to be harmful substances through their regulatory process.  If allowed, the rules would have allowed for county regulations through an appointed board.

Click here for the ruling.

Center for Biological Diversity v. Environmental Protection Agency

Center for Biological Diversity seeks an order requiring EPA to comply with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service on hundreds of pesticides and species.  The Complaint also seeks to enjoin uses of pesticides that could harm listed species until the consultation process is complete.  Filed Jan. 20, 2011.  On March 28, 2011, AFBF and other groups intervened in this lawsuit.

EPA lawsuit regarding Clean Water Act permits

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 16, 2011 – In a major court victory for the American Farm Bureau Federation and other farm organizations, a unanimous federal court of appeals has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency cannot require livestock farmers to apply for Clean Water Act permits unless their farms actually discharge manure into U.S. waters. The ruling was welcomed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Pork Producers Council and several other agriculture groups that filed suit against EPA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

The Fertilizer Institute v. Environmental Protection Agency

The Fertilizer Institute seeks to vacate the EPA water quality standards imposed on the state of Florida for nitrogen and phosphorus, alleging they ignore causation, regulate streams that are achieving their designated uses and restrict nutrients that do not cause impairment of a designated use.  On February 17, 2011, AFBF and the Florida Farm Bureau joined the Fertilizer Institute’s lawsuit seeking to vacate the EPA’s water quality standards imposed on Florida waters for nitrogen and phosphorus.

American Farm Bureau Federation and Pennsylvania Farm Bureau v. Environmental Protection Agency

AFBF and the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau filed a lawsuit against EPA in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania challenging the lawfulness of EPA’s recently finalized Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  The lawsuit asserts three basic claims: (a) the TMDL micromanages state water quality decisions, in violation of EPA’s limited Clean Water Act authority; (b) EPA arbitrarily disregarded science, in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA); and (c) EPA issued the TMDL with insufficient opportunity for public participation in violation of the APA.  Filed Jan. 20, 2011.