--Featuring “Hard Work and Harmony” by Dave Pratt

             “Your Future. Your Family. Your Farm Bureau” is the theme of the Jan. 20-21, 2017 Wyoming Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Conference in Jackson, Wyo.   The conference is open to all young agricultural producers between the ages of 18-35 (no membership necessary) and all Farm Bureau members. Children are welcome.   

            The conference kicks-off at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 20 and the keynote presentation “Hard Work and Harmony” with Dave Pratt begins at 1 p.m.

In this fast-moving, engaging workshop you will learn how you can get folks on the same page and working together as an effective team. You will learn how to hold family members accountable in the business without having a food fight at the dinner table. In short, you will get a crash course in the most important part of running a successful business; an important investment you can make in the future of your ranch or farm.

According to Pratt, when people can’t reach agreement on strategy it becomes difficult to discuss issues constructively. “You don’t get harmony when everyone sings the same note,” Pratt said. “Harmony means constructive disagreement which leads to better decisions; in fact if we all agree then only one of us is necessary. You learn from people who disagree and challenge your point of view and that leads to stronger decisions.”

Breakout Sessions will be offered at 4:30 p.m. Attendees can choose from a “Question and Answer” session with Dave Pratt or a “Rangeland Monitoring” workshop with Bree Lind and Shari Meeks with the Sublette County Conservation District.

            American Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmer & Rancher National Chair Cole Coxbill, and his wife Sammie, will share their national leadership experiences at Friday evening’s dinner. Farmers and ranchers can also network and learn more about Farm Bureau’s YF&R Discussion Meet competition.

            Saturday begins with morning devotions at the 8 a.m. breakfast. Following breakfast, “Managing for Success in a Challenging Economy” will be presented by Carl Horne with Farm Credit Services of America. Horne will take a look at measuring financial performance, effective decision making and working with partners to help you grow and ensure long-term success of your business.

            At 10:50 a.m. a “Brucellosis Discussion Panel” will include Wyoming State Veterinarian Dr. Jim Logan, Wyoming Game and Fish Director Scott Talbott and a couple of area ranchers.

Tours Saturday afternoon include Vertical Harvest, Flat Creek Saddlery and a ranch tour followed by a closing dinner.


The registration fee is $105/adult. The agenda and registration form are available at www.wyfb.org or you may call 307.532.2002. The registration deadline is Jan. 6, 2017. Late registrations may be accepted based on availability after Jan. 6 at $145/adult.

Children are welcome; childcare will be provided** on-site for attendees who have young families and want to bring their children along. **Must indicate if you will utilize daycare when registering.

For room reservations, please call the Snow King Lodge at 800-522-5464 and mention “Young Farmer & Rancher Conference Master” to receive the room rate of $109 plus a $15 resort fee per night. Reservation deadline is Jan. 6, 2017.

Agenda and Registration--Registration Deadline is Jan. 6, 2017