Wyoming college students are invited to participate in the 2014 Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Collegiate Discussion Meet competition during the annual meeting of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation (WyFB) in Sheridan.  The competition will be Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 at Sheridan College.

Being an advocate for agriculture is more important now than ever and should be a part of everyone’s business plan.  Participating in the YF&R Discussion Meet competitions will help develop leadership and advocacy skills and provide networking opportunities with other young farmers and ranchers from around the state.

Collegiate YF&R Discussion Meet

Any Wyoming college student with an interest in agriculture is eligible to participate.  A major in agriculture is not required for competition.  The state winner receives a $300 cash prize and an expense paid trip to the AFBF Feb. 2015 national competition in Nashville, Tenn. to compete for more college scholarships.

In 2014, Sheridan College student Jake Bare won the competition and traveled to the national competition with his college advisor Chuck Holloway.  Holloway is an agriculture professor at Sheridan College and speaks highly of this competition for college students.

“The entire experience, from the state level all the way to the national competition, was incredible,” Holloway said.  “The learning that took place, meeting new agricultural friends and attending workshops and forums that were all top flight was one of the best things I have done as a college professor.”

More information

Topics and rules are available at wyfb.org.  Contact WyFB YF&R Coordinator Kerin Clark at 307.532.2002 or kclark@wyfb.org with questions.  Collegiate Discussion Meet applications must be postmarked by Oct. 30, 2014.