Farm Bureau amplifies your voice for agriculture - May 2021
In the world of cell phones, video meetings, and isolation the American farmer and rancher is still going to work every day and producing the food, fiber and fuel needed to keep this country moving. They are still feeding the pigs, plowing the fields, milking the cows and harvesting their produce for the American public. Like every person in this day and age, busier and busier is a common theme. The need for an in-house lobbyist, spokesperson and attorney seems to be more and more important. Fortunately, agriculture has all three wrapped up into one great organization. As our population becomes more and more concentrated into urban areas the link from consumer to the profession of farming or ranching gets more disconnected. The importance of agriculture’s voice becomes exponentially important. Farm Bureau is that voice.
Local Farm Bureaus are the grassroots effort where actual farmers and ranchers work together developing policy. The local members are volunteers working for the betterment of all of agriculture. They work to make sure the message of agriculture is being told from the source. Members work with local regulators on local issues that affect them immediately. The first line of defense for private property rights typically includes your local Farm Bureau. The zoning and other land use regulations affect our farms and ranches to a high degree and who better to help develop the regulations than the original stewards of the land.
As our population becomes more and more urban the message of what good farming and ranching practices look like are more important than ever. These local members work to make sure the voice of agriculture is accurate. Taking care of our land and the environment are of the utmost importance, we work hard to make sure that the land is there for tomorrow.
The Farm Bureau’s membership comes together and works for a common goal. Sometimes that common goal is defending the membership consensus on policy issues within the court system. Recently Farm Bureau has fought to protect property and privacy rights, access to biotechnology and regulatory overreach.
Membership in the Farm Bureau, as you can see, has many benefits. Farmers and ranchers work hard to produce safe, abundant and responsibly produced food fiber and fuel. Farm Bureau works hard to make sure farmers and ranchers can achieve their goals.
By Todd Fornstrom, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation President