Farm Bureau Adds WRRDA Bill to Key Vote List, Urges ‘Yes’ Vote
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 20, 2014–The American Farm Bureau Federation today urged Congress to pass the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, now out of conference and awaiting a vote on the House floor.
“Passage of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act is a priority issue for the American Farm Bureau Federation and our 6 million members who depend on an efficient and reliable inland waterway system linked to competitive ports,” AFBF President Bob Stallman said. “The ports, channels, locks, dams and other infrastructure that support our waterways transportation are vital to America’s ability to provide affordable agricultural products at home and abroad. WRRDA will bring $6 billion in total cost savings and important reforms to ensure the reliability and strength of our nation’s inland waterways and ports. It is imperative that Congress enact the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014.”
The Water Resources Reforms and Development Act of 2014 will put America’s inland waterways and port infrastructure on a solid and sustainable foundation to contribute to U.S. economic growth, jobs and global competitiveness for generations to come. The American Farm Bureau Federation strongly supports passage and is tracking this important vote as part of its annual Congressional Scorecard.