WASHINGTON, D.C., August 5, 2014 – A new animated video produced by the American Farm Bureau Federation is part of the organization’s popular Ditch the Rule campaign. The two-and-a-half minute animation explores how the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed “Waters of the U.S.” rule is regulatory overreach and unnecessary.

“This video offers a fresh take on a serious subject of concern to farmers, ranchers and other landowners,” said Mace Thornton, AFBF’s executive director of communications. “It is time to get animated, share the video and join the movement to Ditch The Rule,” he urged.

If adopted, the new rule would enable the agencies to micro-manage farming and impose unworkable regulations on farmers and other landowners. It would grant federal agencies – EPA and the Corps – rather than state and local governing bodies, primary oversight of land use, exposing farmers to penalties for common farming practices of up to $37,000 per day.

Farm Bureau, together with dozens of other agricultural and land-use groups and hundreds of members of Congress, is fighting EPA’s attempt to redefine the Clean Water Act through the overreaching waters rule. 

Follow the social media hashtag #DitchTheRule and visit the Ditch the Rule website at ditchtherule.fb.org to learn more.