Agriculture: Food for Life
When you think about agriculture, food is the first thing that comes to mind for most people. Food is definitely important for life, however, farmers and ranchers provide for much more than food alone. Plant and animal biotechnology have resulted in new antibodies for immunizations. Agriculture has also contributed to research that has helped develop surgical techniques and pharmaceuticals that help save lives.
And that is just the beginning of how agriculture is food for life. Agriculture protects and provides for open spaces, clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and local economies.
Agriculture: Food for Life and working to Keep Wyoming Strong! Farmers and ranchers are truly stewards of the planet. In agriculture, we have the grand responsibility of not only making it work while we are here on earth, but making it work for future generations. To be a good steward means to implement the kind of management that works. Making careful and responsible choices for the land that we have been entrusted to care for is important and necessary.
Looking at the number of years a particular business has been operating can be a good indicator of success. Hundreds of Wyoming farms/ranches have celebrated their centennial anniversaries; meaning their farm or ranch has been in the same family for multiple generations. Now, that is representation of good stewardship.
The land and its resources must be managed well in order to continue to thrive. Using advances in technology as well as knowledge of the land, farmers and ranchers are doing more with less. They also feed their families the same food they grow and raise.
Farmers and ranchers play a large role as stewards of the land. They do this in many ways including: caring for the land by practicing best management practices, providing wildlife habitat, open spaces and fresh air. I challenge you to see for yourself. Ask a farmer or rancher in your community to tell you the true story about how they are stewards of the land all while providing food for life.
While you are enjoying your favorite food remember to “Celebrate Agriculture,” and its people who care for the animals and the land seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.
The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation invites all Wyomingites to “Celebrate Agriculture” and learn more about its role in your daily lives and recognize the issues impacting agriculture. We proudly celebrate Wyoming agriculture and its people every day of the year and specifically on Wyoming Agriculture Day, March 14, 2019. Visit us at