Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation

The Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation was organized by the members of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation in 1982 to fund agricultural education opportunities and support scientific research needed by Wyoming's agricultural producer.

The Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation also supports legal efforts to protect agricultural producers.

Additionally, Foundation programs will also work with individuals, organizations, and government agencies for the purpose of promoting knowledge and understanding of human or civil rights or liberties secured by law.

The Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization which will allow for tax deductible donations from interested individuals.

Investing in Wyoming

Contributions to the Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation are used to educate Wyoming's agricultural producers about current research and development activities.  This is done through various methods including agricultural forums, lectures and seminars in the industry. 

Through agricultural education opportunities producers can continue to improve their land stewardship skills helping them maintain a profitable business while furnishing the goods that provide food, clothing and shelter to the people of this nation and the world.

You are investing in your future by securing the continued vitality of Wyoming's agriculture industry. An industry which provides: open spaces; wildlife habitat; conservation of soils and water through best management practices; recreational opportunities; and the many other benefits we associate with land managed for agricultural use.

For information regarding Foundation projects or to make a tax deductible donation contact:

Ken Hamilton, Executive Vice President
Wyoming Farm Bureau Foundation
P.O. Box 1348
Laramie, WY 82073
Phone:   307.721.7712       
E-mail: khamilton@wyfb.org

The Purpose of the Foundation:

  • Support and conduct, or arrange for the conduct of, agricultural education and research courses and other programs of instruction in farming, ranching, and related subjects.
  • Conduct and sponsor agriculture forums, lectures, seminars, and similar programs relating to farming, ranching and related subjects.
  • Promote research in agricultural and related sciences.
  • Disseminate educational information and materials on farming, ranching and related subjects.
  • Support legal efforts to protect agricultural producers.
  • Work with individuals, organizations, agricultural organizations and government agencies for the purpose of promoting knowledge and understanding of human or civil rights or liberties secured by law.