Jan. 9, 2016, Cheyenne--Wyoming Livestock Brands due for renewal in 2017 are now expired as of December 31, 2016. However, a grace period has been granted until midnight March 1, 2017 to renew brands. Please remember to make sure brand renewals are postmarked by midnight March 1, 2017 in order to avoid a late fee on your renewal. All brands renewed after midnight on March 1, 2017 will cost an additional $150.00 on top of the $300.00 renewal fee. They Wyoming Livestock Board will be sending a certified letter containing a second brand renewal notice to those producers who have a brand due for renewal and did not renew their brands prior to January 31, 2016.

There were approximately 8,409 livestock brands that needed to renewal in 2017. As of January 9, 2017 we have renewed 4,723 brands. Approximately 587 brand notices were returned to us as undeliverable.
To check and see if your notice may have been returned to us due to an address change, please visit our
website at https://wlsb.state.wy.us under brand recording. There is a list of names whose brand renewal notices were returned to the office marked undeliverable.

For questions concerning your brand, please call the Wyoming Livestock Board at 307-777-7515 or 307-